sábado, 10 de marzo de 2012

Our journalist talks about how was the week!

Hi everybody!

I'm Berta and this week I've been the journalist of the group, so let's do a short summary of the week!

On Monday, we had the great opportunity to meet Manel Rives, a teacher who works with technology in a primary school. We started his workshop showing us some slides in which we could observe his concept of technology and which kind of tools he uses. In the slides he told us that his inspiration for doing what he is nowadays doing in a school near the city of Santiago, was a Ken Robbinson's conference. When he first saw it, he realized that another way to teach and educate children was possible, so he started doing all that he knew.

Here we have the original conference to Ken Robbinson:

Manel also talked about the proyects that he usually does with his students. Some of them are: Stopmotion animation, toontastics and comics (all of them done with applications of iPad). We worked with the three proyects but all of them related to dinosaurs.

He encouraged us to become good teachers, helping us with good technology. He also trasmitted the importance of motivation, which help him to look forward to going ahead with those proyects, because he sees that his students love what they do.

Now, let's see what we did during the session:

  • Toontastic:

  •  Comic:

And here we have our photo with Manel:

To finish with the Monday's summary, I have to say that I really enjoyed the workshop although it was four hours long. I think that Manel is a perfect example of a teacher who does the things in the correct way. From my point of view, most of my peers (included me) would have thought that they want to be a teacher like him, although following this methodology requires a lot of hard work appart from the hours at school!

I you want to have more information about Manel Rives and what he does at school, here you have his class blog: http://bandadadepatos.tumblr.com/ 

We hadn't enough time to finish all the tasks in the workshop so we decided to meet up on Thursday to start and finish the Stopmotion animation. We had some problems with it because it took us a long long time to find a good program to do it. Finally we decided to do it with Movie Maker and....that's the result!:


On Friday we had a theoretical class and Linda explained a part of tools that teacher can use in their classes. She told us some common mistakes when using videos with students.

That has been our week, how was yours?

Have a nive weekend! 
Berta :)

lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012

Roles of this week

Hello! I'm Esther and during this week I will be the facilitator of the group, so here there are the new roles:

- Star: Antonio Luis
- Tracker: Natalia
- Analyst: Beckye
- Journalist: Berta
- Facilitator: Esther

We are mentioned in the Julita's Fernandez blog! :)

Hi everybody!

As we said in class, the teacher responsible of the proyect "Viajamos Virtualmente" (Julita Fernández), told us to let her know about our final presentation in class. So we did it and she has mentioned us in the blog of her class: http://alumnosprimaria.blogspot.com

Here is a photo of the post she did :)

Hope you like it!

Berta :)

Journalist talks!

Hellooo everybody its beckie here and last week i was the journalist. We all wanted to meet up on Monday to start on our new projects but because of after school activities we couldnt... so we decided to meet up on Tuesday and have lunch here at uni (although I had to go home due to dizzy spells). We were discussing how to do the presentation and we started to get to work but unfortunatly we didnt have enough time so we met up the following day to finish it. On Thursday Berta and Natalia were preparing for the presentation on Friday, rehearsing their lines etc and on Friday they done a fantastic job! I honestly think they were the best! They done so well, and especially being the first ones to do it.

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012


Hi I´m Esther and this week I'm the analyst of the group 

During this week the activity that we've been doing was working of Pechakucha. In this post I have to answer some questions that will help us to evaluate the work of our group. The questions are the following ones:

   1. What was the best part of the activity?

I think that the best part of the activity was learn about how to make slides and presentations

   2. What was the worst?

The worst part, from my point of view, was the short time that the two stars had to explain their work. They had twenty seconds to explain each slide then the stars ware nervious because they had to explain slides neither very quick nor  very slow because each twenty seconds the slide change. Beside some of them got even more nervous when the slide change and they saw that they had not finished to explain the previous slide

   3. What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the  group)?
The best moment was when we saw that all our work of this week, it was worth it. Because the exposision was fantastic.

    4. What was the worst?

The worst moment during this week was that we had some problems to meet due to the distance and that some of us have activities in the afternoon.

   5. What have you learnt?

We have learnt all about Pechacucha, to make slides and presentation.

    6. What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?

We need to conserve that we do the task quickly

  7. What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
We have to try to finish the task together and we must not let that other person finishes the work

Class' presentation

Hi! :)

I'm Berta and I' ve just seen that Linda has uploaded to Youtube the oral presentation we did on Friday! Altough yesterday we put here our good presentation made with Knovio with the slides I think is great to show you the original one. 
The video has not a good quality but the important thing is that our voices can be apreciated.

Hope you like it!
Have a great Sunday :)

Star' comments

Hi everybody! How are you?

I am Natalia and this week I was the star of the group. I have to say that I was excited because I wanted to make an oral exposition in English but when we knew what the star had to do I was a bit scared. In my opinion, this Pechakucha exposition has been really difficult to do but I think it has worth it and I am very happy with the final result of our work in group.
We were working so hard all the week and, on Friday, I was really nervous! In addition, we were the first group that had to expose the work bu,t once we began to talk I became more confident and we relaxed a lot. We had the exposition very prepared and I think we did it quite good.
When we finished the exposition I felt really relaxed and some of our peers congratulated us and because of that I thought that all the work we had been doing during the week, it has worth it.

See you soon!